
Daisuke Yamauchi's homepage


[INSPIRES]  [arXiv]  [Google Scholar]  [ADS]  [researchmap]  [ORCID]


--Selected papers--
``Probing the primordial Universe with 21-cm line from cosmic dawn/epoch of reionization'' (review article)
   Teppei Minoda, Shohei Saga, Tomo Takahashi, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Shintaro Yoshiura (著者順:ABC order),
   PASJ, psac015 [published 2022/04/12]
``Signature of primordial non-Gaussianity on 21-cm power spectrum from dark ages''
   Daisuke Yamauchi,
   PTEP, 2022, 7, 073E02 [published 2022/07/01], arXiv:2203.15599
``Generalized local ansatz for scale-dependent primordial non-Gaussianities and future galaxy surveys''
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Tomo Takahashi,
   PASJ, psab108 [published 2021/12/11], arXiv:2108.12123
``Second-order peculiar velocity field as a novel probe of scalar-tensor theories''
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Naonori S. Sugiyama,
   PRD 105, 063515 (2022) [published 2022/3/14], arXiv:2108.02382
``Scalar-tensor theories and modified gravity in the wake of GW170817'',
   David Langlois, Ryo Saito, Daisuke Yamauchi, Karim Noui
   PRD 97, 061501(R)(2018), arXiv:1711.07403
``Cosmology with the Square Kilometre Array by SKA-Japan'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi et al. on behalf of SKA-Japan Cosmology Science Working Group
   PASJ 68(2016)6:R2, arXiv:1602.01959
``Modified gravity inside astrophysical bodies'',
   Ryo Saito*, Daisuke Yamauchi* [*:equal contributed], Shuntaro Mizuno, Jerome Gleyzes and David Langlois,
   JCAP 06 (2015) 008, arXiv:1503.01448
``Breaking of Vainshtein screening in scalar-tensor theories beyond Horndeski'',
   Tsutomu Kobayashi, Yuki Watanabe and Daisuke Yamauchi [ABC order]
   PRD 91, 064013(2015), arXiv:1411.4130
``Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity via multi-tracer technique with surveys by Euclid and Square Kilometre Array'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Keitaro Takahashi and Masamune Oguri
   PRD 90, 083520(2014), arXiv:1407.5453
``Open Inflation in the Landscape'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Andrei Linde, Atsushi Naruko, Misao Sasaki and Takahiro Tanaka
   PRD 84, 043513, 2011, arXiv:1105.2674[hep-th]

[62]``First test of the consistency relation for the large-scale structure using the anisotropic three-point correlation function of BOSS DR12 galaxies''
   Naonori S. Sugiyama, Daisuke Yamauchi, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Tomohiro Fujita, Shun Arai, Shin'ichi Hirano, Shun Saito, Florian Beutler, Hee-Jong Seo
[61]``New constraints on cosmological modified gravity theories from anisotropic three-point correlation functions of BOSS DR12 galaxies''
   Naonori S. Sugiyama, Daisuke Yamauchi, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Tomohiro Fujita, Shun Arai, Shin'ichi Hirano, Shun Saito, Florian Beutler, Hee-Jong Seo

[60]``Cosmological gravity probes: connecting recent theoretical developments to forthcoming observations'' (review article)
   Shun Arai, Katsuki Aoki, Yuji Chinone, Rampei Kimura, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Hironao Miyatake, Daisuke Yamauchi, et al.,
   accepted in PTEP, arXiv:2312.09094
[59] ``Skewness consistency relation in large-scale structure and test of gravity theory''
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Shota Ishimaru, Tomo Takahashi, Takahiko, Matsubara
   PRD 107, 043526 (2023) [published 2023/02/22], arXiv:2211.13453
[58] ``Ostrogradsky mode in scalar-tensor theories with higher-order derivative couplings to matter''
   Atsushi Naruko, Ryo Saito, Norihiro Tanahashi, Daisuke Yamauchi
   accepted in PTEP, arXiv:2209.02252
[57]``Probing the primordial Universe with 21-cm line from cosmic dawn/epoch of reionization'' (review article)
   Teppei Minoda, Shohei Saga, Tomo Takahashi, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Shintaro Yoshiura (著者順:ABC order),
   PASJ, psac015 [published 2022/04/12]
[56]``Signature of primordial non-Gaussianity on 21-cm power spectrum from dark ages''
   Daisuke Yamauchi,
   PTEP, 2022, 7, 073E02 [published 2022/07/01], arXiv:2203.15599

[55]``Testing the Non-circularity of the Spacetime around Sagittarius A* with Orbiting Pulsars''
   Yohsuke Takamori, Atsushi Naruko, Yusuke Sakurai, Keitaro Takahashi, Daisuke Yamauchi, Chul-Moon Yoo,
   PASJ, psac003 [published 2022/03/03], arXiv:2108.13026
[54]``Generalized local ansatz for scale-dependent primordial non-Gaussianities and future galaxy surveys''
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Tomo Takahashi,
   PASJ, psab108 [published 2021/12/11], arXiv:2108.12123
[53]``Second-order peculiar velocity field as a novel probe of scalar-tensor theories''
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Naonori S. Sugiyama,
   PRD 105, 063515 (2022) [published 2022/3/14], arXiv:2108.02382
[52]``Gaia 400,894 QSO constraint on the energy density of low-frequency gravitational waves''
   Shohei Aoyama, Daisuke Yamauchi, Maresuke Shiraishi, Masami Ouchi,
[51]``Axion cloud decay due to the axion-photon conversion with background magnetic fields''
   Chul-Moon Yoo, Atsushi Naruko, Yusuke Sakurai, Keitaro Takahashi, Yohsuke Takamori, Daisuke Yamauchi,
   PASJ, psab110 [published 2021/12/08], arXiv:2103.13227
[50]``Unified approach to secondary effects on the CMB B-mode polarization''
   Toshiya Namikawa, Atsushi Naruko, Ryo Saito, Atsushi Taruya, Daisuke Yamauchi (著者順:ABC order),
   JCAP 10 (2021) 029 [published 2021/10/12], arXiv:2103.10639

[49]``On Lorentz-invariant bispin-2 theories''
   Rampei Kimura, Atsushi Naruko, Daisuke Yamauchi,
   PRD 104, 044021 (2021) [published 2021/8/9], arXiv:2012.13461
[48]``UV sensitive one-loop matter power spectrum in degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor theories beyond Horndeski''
   Shi'ichi Hirano, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama
   PRD 102, 103505 (2020) [published 2020/11/4], arXiv:2008.02798
[47]``Testing gravity theories with cosmic microwave background in the degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor theory''
   Takashi Hiramatsu, Daisuke Yamauchi
   PRD 102, 083525 (2020) [published 2020/10/19], arXiv:2004.09520

[46]``Redshift space distortions in the presence of non-minimally coupled dark matter'',
   Fabio Chibana, Rampei Kimura, Masahide Yamaguchi, Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama (著者順:ABC order)
   JCAP 10 (2019) 045 [published 2019/10/22], arXiv:1908.07173
[45]``CMB Constraints on Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background at Mpc scales''(Rapid communication),
   Toshiya Namikawa, Shohei Saga, Daisuke Yamauchi, Atsushi Taruya,
   PRD 100, 021303(R) (2019) [published 2019/7/19], arXiv:1904.02115
[44]``Screening mechanism in degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor theories evading gravitational wave constraints'',
   Sinh'ichi Hirano, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Daisuke Yamauchi (著者順:ABC order),
   PRD 99, 104073 (2019) [published 2019/5/28], arXiv:1903.08399
[43]``Constraining degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor theories with density perturbations at linear order'',
   Shin'ichiro Hirano, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama,
   PRD 99, 104051 (2019) [published 2019/5/21], arXiv:1902.02946
[42]``Large-scale inhomogeneity of dark energy produced in the ancestor vacuum'',
   Yue Nan, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Hajime Aoki, Satoshi Iso, Daisuke Yamauchi,
   PRD 99, 103512 (2019) [published 2019/5/10], arXiv:1901.11181

[41]``On Lorentz-invariant spin-2 theories'',
   Atsushi Naruko, Rampei Kimura, Daisuke Yamauchi
   PRD 99, 084018 (2019) [published 2019/4/11], arXiv:1812.10886
[40]``Cosmology with Phase 1 of the Square Kilometre Array; Red Book 2018: Technical specifications and performance forecast'',
   Square Kilometre Array Cosmology Science Working Group: D.J. Bacon et al. (including Daisuke Yamauchi)
   PASA 37, 007 [published 2020/3/6], arXiv:1811.02743
[39]``Observational signatures of dark energy produced in an ancestor vacuum : Forecast for galaxy surveys'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Hajime Aoki, Satoshi Iso, Da-Shin Lee, Yasuhiro Sekino, Chen-Pin Yeh
   JCAP 05 (2019) 055 [published 2019/5/30], arXiv:1807.07904

[38]``Scalar-tensor theories and modified gravity in the wake of GW170817''(Rapid communication),
   David Langlois, Ryo Saito, Daisuke Yamauchi, Karim Noui
   PRD 97, 061501(R)(2018) [published 2018/3/26], arXiv:1711.07403
[37]``Y-junction intercommutation of current carrying strings'',
   Daniele Steer, Marc Lilley, Daisuke Yamauchi, Takashi Hiramatsu
   PRD 97, 023507(2018) [published 2018/1/10], arXiv:1710.07475
[36]``Are redshift-space distortions actually a probe of growth of structure?'',
   Rampei Kimura, Teruaki Suyama, Masahide Yamaguchi, Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama (著者順:ABC order)
   PASJ 70, 5, L5 [published 2018/10/5] arXiv:1709.09371
[35]``Constraining modified theory of gravity with galaxy bispectrum'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Tashiro
   PRD 96, 123516(2017) [published 2017/12/14], arXiv:1709.03243

[34]``Cosmology with the Square Kilometre Array by SKA-Japan'' (refereed proceeding),
   Daisuke Yamauchi et al. on behalf of SKA-Japan Cosmology Science Working Group
   PoS DSU2015 (2016) 004
[33]``Multitracer technique for galaxy bispectrum - An application to constraints on non-local primordial non-Gaussianities -'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Keitaro Takahashi
   PRD 95, 063530(2017) [published 2017/3/30], arXiv:1611.03590
[32]``Cosmology with the Square Kilometre Array by SKA-Japan'' (review article),
   Daisuke Yamauchi et al. on behalf of SKA-Japan Cosmology Science Working Group
   PASJ 68(2016)6:R2 [published 2016/12/6], arXiv:1602.01959

[31]``Delensing Cosmic Microwave Background B-modes with Radio Continuum Survey by Square Kilometre Array'',
   Toshiya Namikawa, Daisuke Yamauchi, Blake Sherwin, and Ryo Nagata
   PRD 93, 043527(2016) [published 2016/2/16], arXiv:1511.04653
[30]``Large scale CMB anomalies from thawing cosmic strings'',
   Christophe Ringeval, Daisuke Yamauchi, Jun'ichi Yokoyama, and Francois R. Bouchet,
   JCAP02 (2016) 033 [published 2016/2/12], arXiv:1510.01916
[29]``Probing primordial non-Gaussianity consistency relation with galaxy surveys'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi and Keitaro Takahashi
   PRD 93, 123506(2016) [published 2016/6/6], arXiv:1509.07585
[28]``Weak lensing induced by second-order vector mode'',
   Shohei Saga, Daisuke Yamauchi, and Kiyotomo Ichiki
   PRD 92, 063533(2015) [published 2015/9/29], arXiv:1505.02774
[27]``Modified gravity inside astrophysical bodies'',
   Ryo Saito*, Daisuke Yamauchi* [*:equal contributed], Shuntaro Mizuno, Jerome Gleyzes and David Langlois,
   JCAP06 (2015) 008 [published 2015/6/5], arXiv:1503.01448
[26]``Overview of Complementarity and Synergy with Other Wavelengths in Cosmology in the SKA era'' (refereed proceeding)
   Keitaro Takahashi, Michael L. Brown, Carlo Burigana, Carole A. Jackson, Matt Jarvis, Thomas D. Kitching, Jean-Paul Kneib, Masamune Oguri, Simon Prunet, Huanyuan Shan, Jean-Luc Starck, Daisuke Yamauchi,
   PoS AA SKA 14 (2015) 159, arXiv:1501.03859
[25]``Euclid and SKA Synergies'' (refereed proceeding)
   Thomas D. Kitching, David Bacon, Michael L. Brown, Philip Bull, Jason D. McEwen, Masamune Oguri, Roberto Scaramella, Keitaro Takahashi, Kinwah Wu, Daisuke Yamauchi,
   PoS AA SKA 14 (2015) 146, arXiv:1501.03978

[24]``Future detectability of gravitational-wave induced lensing from high-sensitivity CMB experiments'',
   Toshiya Namikawa, Daisuke Yamauchi and Atushi Taruya
   PRD 91, 043531(2015) [published 2015/2/27], arXiv:1411.7427
[23]``Breaking of Vainshtein screening in scalar-tensor theories beyond Horndeski'',
   Tsutomu Kobayashi, Yuki Watanabe and Daisuke Yamauchi (著者順:ABC order)
   PRD 91, 064013(2015) [published 2015/3/4], arXiv:1411.4130
[22]``Dynamics of cosmic strings with higher-dimensional windings'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi and Mattew Lake,
   JCAP06 (2015) 023 [published 2015/6/11], arXiv:1410.6267
[21]``Constraining primordial non-Gaussianity via multi-tracer technique with surveys by Euclid and Square Kilometre Array'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Keitaro Takahashi and Masamune Oguri
   PRD 90, 083520(2014) [published 2014/10/20], arXiv:1407.5453
[20]``Effect of cosmic strings with delayed scaling on CMB anisotropy'',
   Kohei Kamada, Yuuhei Miyamoto, Daisuke Yamauchi and Jun'ichi Yokoyama (著者順:ABC order)
   PRD 90, 083502(2014) [published 2014/10/1], arrXiv:1407.2951
[19]``In there supercurvature mode of massive vector field in open inflation?'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Tomohiro Fujita and Shinji Mukohyama
   JCAP03 (2014) 031 [published 2014/3/17], arXiv:1402.2784

[18]``CMB ISW-lensing bispectrum from cosmic strings'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Yuuiti Sendouda and Keitaro Takahashi
   JCAP02 (2014) 041 [published 2014/2/24], arXiv:1309.5528
[17]``Constraining cosmic string parameters with curl mode of CMB lensing'',
   Toshiya Namikawa, Daisuke Yamauchi and Atsushi Taruya
   PRD 88, 083525(2013) [published 2013/10/23], arXiv:1308.6068
[16]``Derivative interactions in de Rham-Gabadadze-Tolley massive gravity'',
   Rampei Kimura and Daisuke Yamauchi
   PRD 88, 085021(2013) [published 2013/10/16], arXiv:1308.0523
[15]``Type-I cosmic string network'',
   Takashi Hiramatsu, Yuuiti Sendouda, Keitaro Takahashi, Daisuke Yamauchi and Chul-Moon Yoo
   PRD 88, 085021(2013) [published 2013/10/14], arXiv:1307.0308
[14]``Full-sky formulae for weak lensing power spectra from total angular momentum method'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Toshiya Namikawa and Atsushi Taruya
   JCAP08 (2013) 051 [published 2013/8/27], arXiv:1305.3348
[13]``Testing general scalar-tensor gravity and massive gravity with cluster lensing'',
   Tatsuya Narikawa, Tsutomu Kobayashi, Ryo Saito and Daisuke Yamauchi
   PRD 87, 124006(2013) [published 2013/6/10], arXiv:1302.2311

[12]``Femto-lensing due to a Cosmic String'',
   Chul-Moon Yoo, Ryo Saito, Yuuti Sendouda, Ketaro Takahashi and Daisuke Yamauchi
   PTEP 2013 013E01 [published 2013/1/1], arXiv:1209.0903[astro-ph.CO]
[11]``Non-Gaussan bubble in the sky'',
   Kazuyuki Sugimura, Daisuke Yamauchi and Misao Sasaki
   EPL, 100 (2012) 29004 [published 2012/10/31], arXiv:1208.3937[astro-ph.CO]
[10]``Weak lensing generated by vector perturbations and detectability of cosmic strings'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Toshiya Namikawa and Atsushi Taruya
   JCAP 1210, 030 (2012) [published 2012/10/17], arXiv:1205.2139

[9]``Weak lensing of CMB by cosmic (super-)strings'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Keitaro Takahashi, Yuuiti Sendouda and Chul-Moon Yoo
   PRD 85, 103515(2012) [published 2012/5/15], arXiv:1110.0556
[8]``Multi-field open inflation model and multi-field dynamics in tunneling'',
   Kazuyuki Sugimura, Daisuke Yamauchi and Misao Sasaki
   JCAP 01 (2012) 027 [published 2012/1/10], arXiv:1110.4773
[7]``Full-sky lensing reconstruction of gradient and curl modes from CMB maps'',
   Toshiya Namikawa, Daisuke Yamauchi and Atsushi Taruya
   JCAP 01(2012) 007 [published 2012/1/3], arXiv:1110.1718
[6] ``Open Inflation in the Landscape'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Andrei Linde, Atsushi Naruko, Misao Sasaki and Takahiro Tanaka
   PRD 84, 043513, 2011 [published 2011/8/10], arXiv:1105.2674[hep-th]

[5]``Analytic model for CMB temperature angular power spectrum from cosmic (super-)strings'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Keitaro Takahashi, Yuuiti Sendouda, Chul-Moon Yoo, Misao Sasaki
   PRD 82, 063518, 2010 [published 2010/9/14],arXiv:1006.0687[astro-ph.CO]
[4]``Skewness in CMB temperature fluctuations from curved cosmic (super-)strings''
   Daisuke Yamauchi, Yuuiti Sendouda, Chul-Moon Yoo, Keitaro Takahashi,
   Atsushi Naruko and Misao Sasaki,
   JCAP 05, 033 (2010) [published 2010/5/25], arXiv:1004.0600 [astro-ph.CO]

[3] ``Hamiltonian formulation of f(Riemann) theories of gravity'',
   Nathalie Deruelle, Misao Sasaki, Yuuiti Sendouda, and Daisuke Yamauchi
   PTP, 123, 1, 169 [published 2010/1/1], arXiv:0908.0679 [hep-th]

[2] ``Non-Gaussianity in Cosmic Microwave Background Temperature Fluctuation from Cosmic (Super-)Strings'',
   Keitaro Takahashi, Atsushi Naruko, Yuuiti Sendouda, Daisuke Yamauchi,
   Chul-Moon Yoo and Misao Sasaki,
   JCAP 10, 003 (2009) [published 2009/10/5], arXiv:0811.4698 [astro-ph]

[1] ``A Brane World in an Arbitrary Dimensions Without Z_2 Symmetry'',
   Daisuke Yamauchi and Misao Sasaki,
    PTP, 118, 2, 245-256 [published 2007/8/1], arXiv:0705.2443 [gr-qc]


[6]『物理学実験 [第2版第4刷](神奈川大学工学部物理学教室 編)』 [学術図書出版社]
   ISBN-10:4780609682 (2022年3月出版)
   池田大輔, 客野遥, 清水雄輝, 竹川俊也, 守屋元道, 山内大介
[6]『物理学実験 [第2版第3刷](神奈川大学工学部物理学教室 編)』 [学術図書出版社]
   ISBN-10:4780608821 (2021年3月出版)
   池田大輔, 客野遥, 清水雄輝, 竹川俊也, 守屋元道, 山内大介
[5]『物理学実験 [第2版第2刷](神奈川大学工学部物理学教室 編)』 [学術図書出版社]
   ISBN-10: 478060821X (2020年3月出版)
   相澤啓仁, 客野遥, 清水雄輝, 守屋元道, 山内大介, 山崎勝也,
[4]『日本版Square Kilometre Arrayサイエンスブック2020』 [pdf]
   (2020年3月出版, 総ページ数:452ページ)
[3]『物理学実験 [第2版第1刷](神奈川大学工学部物理学教室 編)』 [学術図書出版社]
   ISBN-10: 4780600081 (2019年3月出版)
   相澤啓仁, 客野遥, 清水雄輝, 守屋元道, 山内大介, 山崎勝也,
[2]『理工系の物理学入門 -スタンダード版-』 [裳華房]
   ISBN 978-4-7853-2259-5 (2017年11月出版)
   大成逸夫, 田村忠久, 渡邊靖志, 相澤啓仁, 宇佐見義之, 有働慈治, 客野遥, 佐々木志剛,
   清水雄輝, 多米田裕一郎, 西野晃徳, 松田和之, 山内大介,
[1]『日本版Square Kilometre Arrayサイエンスブック2015』 [pdf]
   (2015年3月出版, 総ページ数:316ページ)


2022~2026年度(令和4~令和8年度) 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究 (C) (研究代表者)
研究課題:「重力理論の広がりとその観測的検証体制の確立」, 課題番号:22K03627
  総額: 3,100千円 [間接経費を含まない]
  700千円 [間接経費を含まない] (2026年度(令和8年度), 継続)
  700千円 [間接経費を含まない] (2025年度(令和7年度), 継続)
  500千円 [間接経費を含まない] (2024年度(令和6年度), 継続)
  400千円 [間接経費を含まない] (2023年度(令和5年度), 継続)
  800千円 [間接経費を含まない] (2022年度(令和4年度), 採択)

2019~2021年度(平成31~令和3年度) 科学研究費補助金 基盤研究 (B) (研究分担者, 研究代表者:成子篤)
研究課題:「超精密観測時代における次世代相対論的宇宙論の構築」, 課題番号:19H01891
  総額:13,300千円 [間接経費を含まない]
  4,100千円 [間接経費を含まない] (分担金200千円) (2021年度(令和3年度), 継続)
  4,100千円 [間接経費を含まない] (分担金15千円) (2020年度(令和2年度), 継続)
  5,100千円 [間接経費を含まない] (分担金10千円) (2019年度(平成31年度), 採択)

2017~2020年度(平成29~令和2年度) 科学研究費補助金 若手研究 (B) (研究代表者)
研究課題:「宇宙ひもの精密観測による初期宇宙モデルの検証」, 課題番号:17K14304
  総額: 3,200千円 [間接経費を含まない]
  800千円 [間接経費を含まない] (2020年度(令和2年度), 継続)
  800千円 [間接経費を含まない](2019年度(平成31年度), 継続)
  800千円 [間接経費を含まない](2018年度(平成30年度), 継続)
  800千円 [間接経費を含まない](2017年度(平成29年度), 採択)

2013~2015年度(平成25~27年度) 日本学術振興会特別研究員奨励費 [日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)] (研究代表者)
  総額: 3,600千円 [間接経費を含まない]
  1,200千円(2015年度(平成27年度), 継続)
  1,200千円(2014年度(平成26年度), 継続)
  1,200千円(2013年度(平成25年度), 採択)

2008~2010年度(平成20~22年度) 日本学術振興会特別研究員奨励費 [日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1)] (研究代表者)
総額: 1,800千円 [間接経費を含まない]
  600千円(2010年度(平成22年度), 継続)
  600千円(2009年度(平成21年度), 継続)
  600千円(2008年度(平成20年度), 採択)


研究会Pulsars, black holes and the theory of gravity@オンライン 世話人(SOC)
研究会``Testing Gravity THxOBS Japan kickoff meeting''@オンライン 世話人(SOC)
研究会日本SKAサイエンス会議「銀河進化と遠方宇宙2019」(第5回)@神奈川 世話人(LOC)
研究会「宇宙論~これからの100年~」@京都大 世話人
研究会日本SKAサイエンス会議「銀河進化と遠方宇宙2017」(第4回)@熊本 世話人(SOC)
研究会日本SKAサイエンス会議「銀河進化と遠方宇宙2015」(第3回)@神戸 世話人(SOC)
研究会日本SKAサイエンス会議「銀河進化と遠方宇宙2014」(第2回)@東京 世話人(LOC)

国際Square Kilometre Array科学検討班宇宙論グループ所属

  •   ``Square Kilometre Array Cosmology SWG Red Book''の執筆: PASA 37, 007, arXiv:1811.02743
  •   宇宙論サブグループ ``Synergies'' Focus Groupへの参加
  •   SKA Key Science Program Workshop (20015/08/24-08/27)への参加
  •   ``Square Kilometre Arrayサイエンスブック''の執筆: PoS AASKA 14 (2015) 146, PoS AA SKA 14(2015) 159

Square Kilometre Array日本コンソーシアム科学検討班宇宙論グループ 代表